We are a Venice, CA-based creative collective, dedicated to the preservation and presentation of the Afro-American creation long known as Jazz - We celebrate and elevate the art, culture, life, and the style of this ever-expanding extra musical art form.

The connections caused across the country and around the world are an especially important aspect to us - as we look for ways to have the love of the sound to cross any and all borders and boundaries.

African Americans’ artistic inventions have been adopted and/or adapted around the globe and this classic American creation has found a loving home in several corners of every map.

As an extension of the Black Arts and Aesthetics Movement of the mid-twentieth century, we of THE NONSEMBLE aim to create a new version of the “Jazz Ambassadors”. Using the international love affair that people have with the music… to help those same people to see, accept and love the people that created the music — and their descendants - here, now, today.

  • Jason Sugars :: Founder / Creative Artistic Director